How do I find a book on the shelves?


We use a standard number system (Dewey Decimal) to arrange our books in order. The numbers range from 000 - 999 and organise the books by subject.  When searching for a book on Library Search, you'll need to take a note of the shelfmark number on the item record.

The shelfmark is found on the bottom of the book's spine. Following the shelfmark is a three-letter suffix; this is usually the first three letters of the author's surname. Floor guides and shelf-end signs in the Library will help you locate the number of the book(s) you are looking for.

If you can't find what you are looking for, please speak to one of the Library staff, they will be happy to help you.

  • Last Updated 25/09/2024
  • Views 15
  • Answered By Laura

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