How do I find a book in the Library?


  1. Use Library Search to find the collection (e.g. Main Collection) and the shelfmark of the book you want to find.
  2. The shelfmark is printed on the spine of the book and is made up of a number and three letters. You need the whole number and the letters to find the book.
  3. Example: Transforming Behaviour in the Classroom by Geoffrey James has the shelfmark 371.1024 JAM.
    The number indicates the subject: 371.1024 = classroom management.
    The letters are the first three letters of the author's surname: Geoffrey JAMES.
  4. At the Horsforth Campus Library, use the floor plans and guides to find out which numbers are on which floors. A Leeds City Campus Library floor plan will be available soon.
  5. The shelfend signs on the end of each row of shelves tell you where to find the number.
  6. You often find more than one book with the same number which is why you need the three letters of the author's surname.
  7. For example, there are hundreds of books on classroom management at 371.1024 which are shelved alphabetically by surname.
  • Last Updated 09/10/2024
  • Views 11
  • Answered By Edith

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